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What is snowshoeing? 

Snowshoeing means hiking on snow-covered ground with the help of snowshoes. These tools attach to shoes designed for walking on ice or snow and allow weight to be distributed over a larger surface area. By having a larger footprint on the ground, you’ll feel like you’re floating on the snow, preventing the risk of sinking into the snow. Snowshoes are also equipped with lugs that boost grip on especially icy surfaces.

Where and when can you snowshoe?

Snowshoeing is certainly one of the activities with the largest scope. You can snowshoe in more open environments rather than a forest, during the day and at night, with the help of headlamps. You can take new routes, as well as trips that you’ve already taken in the summer, to reach shelters or the easiest peaks. As with summer activities, snowshoeing also goes great with cabin breaks, where you can alternate sport with time spent with friends.

Why has snowshoeing been so successful? What are its advantages?

The origins of snowshoeing are ancient, but it has only been in recent years that snowshoeing has taken off. Snowshoeing provides you both with a physical activity that you can do with others as well as the opportunity to experience the mountains during a particularly fascinating season. There is the option of adapting the activity to various levels, allowing newbies to feel at ease and stimulating more experienced users, simply by choosing one trip over another. For the more fearless, snowshoeing under the moonlight offers unique and unforgettable thrills. Last but not least, it is a low-cost activity: once the equipment has been purchased, there is no need to pay for a ski pass or anything else to enjoy a day in nature.

What gear do you need for snowshoeing?

In order to fully enjoy snowshoeing, little but indispensable equipment is required. Specifically, you must have:

  • clothing suitable for colder climates, preferably layers;
  • a spacious backpack;
  • snowshoes suitable for your weight and shoe size;
  • shoes suitable for sub-zero temperatures.


What features should snowshoes have?

Snowshoes represent the evolution of a line that was created for walking. During winter, we must have shoes that have a waterproof membrane to keep the foot dry at all times. The membrane should also be breathable, to facilitate the wicking away of water vapour and avoid the build-up of moisture around the foot; when walking on snow or ice, the temperatures are very low and humidity inside the shoe increases the feeling of cold. To facilitate sub-zero use, snowshoeing footwear comes with an insulating layer, a thermal insole and a sole made from a soft blend for the harshest climates.


Do shoes for sub-zero temperatures exist?

Our Rush Polar GTX style was developed with a special focus on the needs of snowshoers and everyone who is looking for shoes for walking on snow and ice. These shoes, equipped with a Gore-Tex Duratherm membrane and Primaloft Gold Insulation Eco padding, are waterproof and warm, and suitable for severe sub-zero temperatures. The upper comes in Perwanger suede, offering resistance and breathability, while the Presa TRK-02 sole is made from a compound that performs superbly in winter conditions, ensuring the right grip on icy terrain. The sole footprint is designed to favour braking when descending and grip when climbing; furthermore, the use of IKS (Interactive Kinetic System) technology cushions and supports the weight of the body when snowshoeing.

After choosing your gear and letting your friends know, all that you have to do is wait for the snow to arrive!

Snowshoeing, like all other activities in the mountains, is a potentially dangerous discipline and extreme caution is recommended.



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