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"When arriving in Chamonix, we immediatly hit the jackpot with a weather window aligning with perfect conditions on the Frendo spur on the Aguille du Midi. While one part of the team climbed this route, the other part opted for the Migot spur on the Aiguille Chardonnet. Safe to say everyone had a grand day out. 
Besides climbing long routes, we also repeated essential snow techniques such as breaking and belaying. On days with suboptimal weather windows we climbed short ridges to optimize rope handling efficiency.  
The weather gods smiled upon us, granting us two more excellent weather windows. Highlights of the rest of the two training weeks were the Les Courtes Traverse, the Éperon Oriental on Les Droites, the Arête Kuffner on the Mont Maudit, Arête du Diable on Mont Blanc du Tacul, the Aiguilles de Chamonix Traverse, and the Aiguilles Dorées Traverse.  

Overall, these two weeks were very productive. Not only did we gain much more experience in classic alpine routes, but we also improved how we work together as a team. But the best of all was getting to climb these amazing routes with our friends in breathtaking environments. Nothing can match this feeling!”

Watch the Recap Reel on Instagram: 

Text: Clara Meijs




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